Every year, gophers do millions of dollars’ worth of damage to residential, agricultural and commercial properties. Although gophers are solitary rodents that prefer not to interact with other gophers, it’s possible for gopher infestations to include more than 100 gophers living on just one acre of land. They destroy and kill plants by eating the roots. Their mounds of dirt cut the volume and value of hay. They destroy landscaping and kill young trees. Save yourself thousands of dollars in landscaping costs, add tonnage and value to your hay crops by implementing a gopher control program.
QDC Ranch Services provides gopher control services in Colorado and surrounding states. QDC only uses pressurized exhaust for rodent control. Stop a small gopher problem from spiraling out of control by starting a gopher control program as soon as gopher activity is seen. Gophers push up mounds of dirt in the process of building their tunnels. They can push up 2000 lbs. of dirt in a year. They don’t hibernate and stay active throughout the course of an entire year. It’s why it’s very important for you to call on a company like QDC Ranch Services at the first sign of trouble. We will help stop gopher infestations and help keep your land safe in the process by utilizing our environmentally friendly rodent control solutions that don’t rely on poisons, traps or explosions. Let us help you develop a gopher control program using our carbon monoxide rodent control services.
A single gopher can give birth to three litters every year with 2 to 6 pups in each one. We routinely work with homeowners, business owners, government agencies, churches, farmers, landscapers, cemeteries and more to deliver the environmentally friendly rodent control services they need.
Contact QDC Ranch Services at 719-332-9540 today to develop and implement a gopher control program on your property.